Board of Trustees
Agendas & Minutes
Village Staff
Village Justice Court
Zoning Board of Appeals
Building Department
Architectural Review Board

Police Department
Fire Department

Village Forms

RAVE Smart 911
Village Code
Zoning Map
Village History
Village Parks
Civic Association
Environmental Commission
Sanitation Commission

Village Office
516-482-8283Village Court
516-482-6430Great Neck Estates
Police Department
516 487-7700Emergency Dial 911
Public Works Department
516-482-0083Vigilant Fire Department
FIRE OR EMERGENCY(516) 482-5000
(516) 487-1086
National Grid:
1-800-490-0045 (Gas Leaks)1-800-930-5003 (Service)

Architectural Review Board
Annie Lo, Chair
Eric Hui
Jonathan Bijari
Carolyn A Goldwyn, Alternate
Jonathan Kerendian, Alternate

In 1982 for the purpose of preserving and promoting the character and appearances of the Village, a three-member Review Board was established, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board.
The Board is charged with reviewing architectural drawings prior to erection, reconstruction or alteration in order to encourage good quality of exterior building design and appearance. The Board permits originality and resourcefulness in building design and appearance that are appropriate to the sites and surroundings. It attempts to prevent designs which are visually offensive, or which are excessively similar or dissimilar to other homes.
In addition to examination of designs for buildings, the Board reviews the appropriateness of all retail and commercial signs, awnings and canopies and exterior elevations and landscaping plans.
Review meetings are held monthly.