
Board of Trustees
Agendas & Minutes
Village Staff
Village Justice Court
Zoning Board of Appeals
Building Department
Architectural Review Board

Police Department
Fire Department

Village Forms

RAVE Smart 911
Village Code
Zoning Map
Village History
Village Parks
Civic Association
Environmental Commission
Sanitation Commission
Great Neck Estates
516 487-7700
Emergency Dial 911
(516) 482-5000
(516) 487-1086
1-800-930-5003 (Service)

Board of Trustees
Agendas & Minutes
Village Staff
Village Justice Court
Zoning Board of Appeals
Building Department
Architectural Review Board

Police Department
Fire Department

Village Forms

RAVE Smart 911
Village Code
Zoning Map
Village History
Village Parks
Civic Association
Environmental Commission
Sanitation Commission

Village Office
516-482-8283Village Court
516-482-6430Great Neck Estates
Police Department
516 487-7700Emergency Dial 911
Public Works Department
516-482-0083Vigilant Fire Department
FIRE OR EMERGENCY(516) 482-5000
(516) 487-1086
National Grid:
1-800-490-0045 (Gas Leaks)1-800-930-5003 (Service)

Village News
Telephone Scam Advisiory
Nassau County Police have investigated several instances of a telephone scam that either threatens family members in return for money or indicates that a loved one has been involved in an accident and is in need of money. In all of the instances a male caller with a Spanish accent states that a family member was kidnapped, held hostage or involved in an auto accident and the victim needs to send money usually through Western Union to save or help the family member. In 2 of the recent investigations a threat of serious physical injury against the person being held was used. This information is being p

If you believe you may have been a victim of this scam, please call 516-487-7700 immediately.
Ricardo Moreno III
Chief of Police
Crime Prevention
In order to prevent burglaries and other crimes of opportunity it is important to be aware of crime prevention actions we all should be taking. During the winter season especially, when dusk arrives in the early evening our homes look unoccupied if we are not using lights on timers. To the burglar, a dark, unlit home at 6:00 pm is an unoccupied home. This is a time of the day a lot of activity should be taking place in the normal occupied house. A dark house is an indication the home is vacant. Please understand that the most important factor in deterring a burglar is to make your home appear to be occupied. If your home appears occupied he will move on to an easier target. The following, are ways in which to harden your homes security;
■Put timers on lighting inside and outside your home. Use interior timers to establish a pattern of occupancy. A dark house is an unoccupied house.
■Leave a small radio on in a room near the rear entrance. This will create the illusion of occupancy. Burglars often enter through the rear of a home. The rear offers cover from being observed and is often quiet. A radio left on near the rear entrance will easily be heard.
■Keep your alarm system active and be sure to have an audible alarm activate when a break occurs in the system. If a burglar hears an audible alarm he usually will leave the area immediately to avoid being seen and to look for an easier target.
■Be a good neighbor - Look out for one another and call the Police Department if you see anything out of the ordinary.
■While on vacation stop all deliveries to your home. Newspapers and mail left at the front door are sure signs that your home is unoccupied.
If you see anything unusual, please call 516-487-7700 and advise our Police Department of your observations.

As always, please give me a call @516-487-7702 anytime, to discuss anything. I take great pride in being available to all our residents. If you leave me a message, I will return your call.
Ricardo Moreno III
Chief of Police
Storm Related / Important Phone Numbers
LIPA: 1-800-490-0075/631-755-6900
National Grid: 1-800-490-0045 (Gas Leaks)/1-800-930-5003 (Service)
Nassau County Non-Emergency Hotline: 1-888-684-4274
Consumer Affairs Price Gouging Hotline: 516-571-2449
FEMA Disaster Assistance Hotline: 1-800-621-3362
NYS Hotline for Insurance Issues: 1-800-339-1759
Call LIPA at 800-490-0075 to report an outage or downed wire.
Automatically creates a “job” in the system for restoring service.
Customers can request a call-back for more information if no restoration time is currently available.
LIPA urges customers to prepare for possible multi-day outages. Storm safety tips, power outage information, and preparedness tips are available for our customers at An informational video and guidance on LIPA and National Grid’s approach to storm restoration is also available on LIPA’s Storm Center at:
Customers are encouraged to pre-register their cell phones in order to report outages and receive restoration updates via text. To register, please text REG to 695472 (myLIPA). After registration, to report an outage please text OUT to 695472 (myLIPA).
Ricardo Moreno III
Chief of Police
Pursuant to General Municipal Law § 120-aa, the New York State Legislature has directed that each municipality in the State of New York adopt local legislation requiring that solid waste which has been left for collection or which is delivered by the generator of such solid waste to a solid waste management facility shall be separated into recyclable, reusable or other components for which economic markets for alternate uses exist. It is the intention of the Village of Great Neck Estates to conform to that requirement by the enactment of this article.
Separation required; collection.
A. The Board of Trustees, from time to time, by resolution, may establish regulations specifying those recyclable or reusable materials, including but not limited to glass, metal and plastic containers and newspapers or other components, which materials shall not be commingled for pickup with any other solid waste materials and which shall be separated from other solid waste materials in accordance with such regulations, and designating the place(s) and time(s) when such recyclable or reusable materials may be placed for pickup, collection and recycling.
B. No person shall cause or permit any recyclable or reusable materials designated in or pursuant to Subsection A hereof to be commingled with any other solid waste materials for pickup, collection and recycling.
C. No person shall cause or permit any such recyclable or reusable material to be placed for pickup, collection and recycling, except in containers approved by the Board of Trustees for that purpose.
D. No person shall cause or permit any such recyclable or reusable material to be placed for pickup, collection and recycling and reuse, except at such times and places as may be designated by the Board of Trustees.
Overnight Parking
RESIDENTS: Be advised that the Village Code prohibits the parking of vehicles on all streets within the Village between the hours of 2:00am and 7:00am. If you have guests staying at your home and find a need to park vehicles in front of your home, please call the Police Department to be put on the permission list. We will make every effort to accommodate your need.
Ricardo Moreno III
Chief of Police